Service Assurance: Fax Server 2.0

How FaxDispatch and FaxNotify are generated.

During an apply changes an extension that has STARTFAXAPPLICATION >= 3.10 writes its configuration to a file located in /escaux/etc/hylafax-users/.

When the apply changes is finished, a postsync task is started, /escaux/etc/postsync.d/hylafax-postsync this task writes the FaxDispatch in /var/spool/hylafax/etc/FaxDispatch which is invoked when a fax is received, and it writes the FaxNotify in /var/spool/hylafax/etc/FaxNotify which is invoked when a notification has to be sent. These two scripts decide which email address is to be used.

How FaxDispatch is generated in FaxServer 2.3.1 (for RVA)

This version was created in order to solve the issue encountered on RVA Cluster: (M11314)

Sometimes, during an applying changes it was possible that the FaxDispatch and FaxNotify would be invalid, because they were being written onto.

With Fax Server 2.3.1, the file is built in a temporary location (/tmp) and check first if the syntax is correct on the temporary build. If the syntax is correct we move the file to /var/spool/hylafax/etc/.

The script has been rewritten in perl, which increases the build speed of the file, and should reduce a bit the apply changes time.

In prior verions of the fax server the postsync script would be executed when installing modules, apply extension change, etc, which would generate an empty configuration. Now the post sync is only executed on reload and reloadNoCache.

How to send a test fax from the Shell

You can send a test fax using a generic template by going into the following path in the SOP Shell :

DONE Navigate to:  Diagnostics > Fax Server > Send test fax

You will have to simply put the extension of one of the fax configured on the SOP and the destination number (don't forget to put an extra zero if needed). A password will be asked, it matches the pincode of the extension (usually 1234).


How to check if the Fax server is running correctly

To check if the faxserver is running, go to the following menu in the SOP Shell :

DONE Navigate to:  Subsystems > Fax Server > Status

You should see the following :

uucp     14458  0.0  0.0   4464  1392 ?        Ss   Apr18   0:00 /usr/sbin/faxq
uucp     14462  0.0  0.0   4800  1544 ?        S    Apr18   0:00 /usr/sbin/hfaxd -d -i 4559
uucp     14788  0.0  0.0   4940  1756 ?        Ss   Apr18   0:10 /usr/sbin/faxgetty -D ttyIAX1
uucp     14795  0.0  0.0   4936  1576 ?        Ss   Apr18   0:00 /usr/sbin/faxgetty -D ttyIAX2
uucp     14802  0.0  0.0   4936  1224 ?        Ss   Apr18   0:00 /usr/sbin/faxgetty -D ttyIAX3
uucp     14809  0.0  0.0   4936  1220 ?        Ss   Apr18   0:00 /usr/sbin/faxgetty -D ttyIAX4

If that is not the case, you can restart the processes by going to the following path :

DONE Navigate to:  Subsystems > Fax Server > Restart

Iaxmodem's are ringing but calls are not not answered

Symptom: Fax Server processes are running correctly. When dialling the fax extensions, iaxmodem's are seen as ringing in Asterisk console but calls are not answered...

Check if the amount of channels configured in the Fax Server module is above 0.

Fax-to-email troubleshooting

Check if the Fax Server is running correctly: processes, iaxmodems registered in Asterisk, fax tone when calling the number (see above).

Email-to-fax troubleshooting

If you would have a problem with the email to fax functionality, please first check if the fax server works correctly.

If all processes are running and you get a fax tone when dialing the fax extension, look at the Mail Server logs to see if mails are received.

DONE Navigate to:  Diagnostics > E-mail > View latest log

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