
Release notes

Version 1.0.0 - Early deployment
  • Feature: Initial version (M0)

This action allows you to recover all the keys for a profile parameter of HASH type.


  • Extension - Extension that contains the profile parameter.
  • Parameter - Name of the HASH profile parameter to fetch.

This action will set variables within the channel. Each key of the hash will be fixed by Ext and the name of the profile parameter. Using the following hash as an example where gatewats is the name of the profile parameter:
gateways : {
   A => 1
   B => 2
   C => 9
The action would yield the following channel variables: ExtgatewaysA ExtgatewaysB ExtgatewaysC. Each variable will have been set with their respective values: 1, 2, 9.

An additional variable will contain a comma separated list of the keys. The variable name is prefixed with Ext the parameter name, and then suffixed with Keys. In this example it would be ExtgatewaysKeys. Its value would be: ExtgatewaysA,ExtgatewaysB,ExtgatewaysC
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