
Release notes

Version 1.0.0 - Early deployment
  • Feature: Initial release. Plays a voicemail message while accepting user input. When user input given it is placed in PreselectedIvrUserInput variable. (M0013672)
  • Improvement: Compatibility with subcallflows (M0)

  • Account - Voicemail account composed of username@domain.
  • Folder - Directory where the message is located (ex: inbox, old)
  • Message ID - The unique identifier of the message. The extension of the message is not required.

This action will play the message, and wait for user input. If the user enters some input the message is stopped so that the input can be treated. The gathered input will be stored in the variable PreselectedIvrUserInput. This action can be used with the IVR action: if the PreselectedIvrUserInput is set, the IVR action will not play its prompt and handle the user input immediately.
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