
Description (v1.02)

INFO Call a list of devices and trigger operator console.
INFO If the call is not answered before the timeout is expired, the call is sent to the "Timeout Extension".
INFO If all devices are busy, the call is sent to the "Busy Extension".
INFO Timeout: [timeout] seconds
INFO Device 1: [device_1]
INFO Device 2: [device_2]
INFO Device 3: [device_3]
INFO Device 4: [device_4]
INFO Console 1: [console_1]
INFO Console 2: [console_2]
INFO Console 3: [console_3]
INFO Console 4: [console_4]
INFO Timeout extension: [extension_timeout]
INFO Busy extension: [extension_busy]

Release notes

Version 1.02 - Deprecated
  • add music possibility option

Version 1.01 - Deprecated
  • add the possibility to transfer thanks to #

Version 1.00 - Deprecated

Version 0.0 - Deprecated

Action Parameters

ERROR! This action is deprecated and should not longer be used. Please upgrade your Operator Console to net.Console.

Examples of use

ALERT! This action has been especially designed to allow the triggering of the Escaux Operator Console (OC). The Escaux OC is the predecessor of the net.Console and is deprecated. Therefor this action will soon be deprecated also.
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