Description (v1.3.0)

INFO This action provides a dialtone to the user and lets him dial an internal extension.
INFO The list of extensions that can be called is restricted by the [RestrictionGroup] Restriction Group.

Release notes

Version 1.3.0 - General deployment
  • Improvement: Compatibility with the Communication Server module

Version 1.02 - Deprecated
  • Feature: Possibility to initiate calls to extensions within a selected Restriction Group instead of only the default context. (M0)
  • Deprecated: Action was rejected by or has not been validated by our quality assurance department. (M0)

Version 1.01 - General deployment
  • Possibility to initiate calls to extensions within a selected Restriction Group instead of only the default context.

Version 1.00 - General deployment
  • Initial version

Action parameters

This action provides a dialtone to the user and lets him dial an internal extension.

  • RestrictionGroup: the calling user is placed in the restriction group of your choice. As a result the administrator can control which destinations can be called by the caller, for example only internal destinations.

ALERT! If no RestrictionGroup is specified it will default to the disa Restriction Group, which by default does not contain anything.

Example of use

  • The DISA can be used to provide external callers direct access to your internal users without having to assign a public phone number for each internal extension.
  • Sales people having to make international phone calls from their mobile phone can first of all call the company's DISA and then call the international number from within the context of the company PBX. This greatly reduces the Mobile to International phone bill.
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