
Description (v1.2.3)

INFO This action iterates over a list of values ([ValueListVariable]) separated by a [Separator].
INFO The [InstanceVariable] is set with the current value (first position equals 0)

Release notes

Version 1.2.3 - Early deployment
  • Improvement: Added ampersand separator (M0)
  • Dependency:
    • Redirect Action version 1.6.0 or higher (must be used in the whole callflow to go through the action ForEach multiple times)

Version 1.2.2 - Early deployment
  • Bugfix: Support predefined separator (M13679)
  • Dependency:
    • Redirect Action version 1.6.0 or higher (must be used in the whole callflow to go through the action ForEach multiple times)

Version 1.2.1 - Deprecated
  • Improvement: Added the possibility to use dash as separator (M11074)
  • Deprecated: Doesn't support predefined separator (M13679)
  • Dependency:
    • Redirect Action version 1.6.0 or higher (must be used in the whole callflow to go through the action ForEach multiple times)

Version 1.2.0 - General deployment
  • Feature: It is now possible to go through the same ForEach multiple times (see dependencies) (M7540)
  • Bugfix: Use a namespaced variable 'comma' in order to not overload the global parameter COMMA (M7982)
  • Dependency:
    • Redirect Action version 1.6.0 or higher (must be used in the whole callflow to go through the action ForEach multiple times)

Version 1.1.3 - Deprecated
  • Bugfix: Use a namespaced variable 'comma' in order to not overload the global parameter COMMA (M7982)
  • Deprecated: Bugfix did not cover all use cases

Version 1.1.2 - General deployment
  • Improvement: renamed 'parameter 2' to 'List Variable'

Version 1.1.1 - General deployment
  • Bugfix: In some cases foreach was never executed on Asterisk-1.2x (M6585)
  • Bugfix: Comma separated input list was not working on communication server 2

Version 1.1 - General deployment
  • Bugfix: The semicolon separator was unusable

Version 1.0 - General deployment
  • Improvement: Compatibility with the Communication Server module

Version 0.1 - General deployment
  • Value list variable can be an existing variable or configured in the text box

Version 0.0 - General deployment
  • initial version

Action parameters

This action iterates over a list of values separated by a given separator. The action will exit to a 'do' output if the last position in the list is not reached. The action will exit to a 'end' output if the last position in the list is reached.

In order to loop in the Foreach, a Redirect action must be used.

Starting at version 1.2.0, it is possible to enter the same ForEach action multiple times. The new implementation implies the following facts:
  1. A Redirect action version 1.6.0 or higher must be targeted directly on the ForEach action for the iteration to continue.
  2. That Redirect action must be a child of the ForEach action.
This corresponds to the intuition that "The loop continues while a child Redirect node returns to it". Otherwise, ForEach restarts at the beginning of the list.


  • List Variable: Variable which contains the list of 'Separator'-separated values to iterate over.
  • Instance Variable: Variable which will contain the current list value in the 'do' branch.
  • Separator: List Separator

ALERT! When using a semicolon separator, make sure that you properly escape the ";" characters in the global parameter editor. e.g. "1\;2\;3". Otherwise the communication server will discard any characters after and including the first semicolon.

Example of use

This action can for example call sequentially a list of numbers separated by a semicolon:
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