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Version 2.0.0 -
Early deployment
Bugfix: Communication server was not able to able to record voicemail (M12800)
Communication Server version 3.8.0 or higher
Communication Server version 2.10.1 or higher
Baseline 2
Version 1.3.2 - General deployment
Bugfix: Upon deleting of a voicemail with net.Desktop, no SIP message was sent to the phone to update the message waiting indicator (M6286)
Version 1.3.1 - General deployment
Bugfix: Filesystem permissions were incorrect for the Communication Server module. (M0005885)
Version 1.3.0 - General deployment
Bug fix: correct output when no mailbox was created
Bug fix: error during installation because of missing directory
Version 1.2.0 - General deployment
Creation of voicemail box during listfoldercontent command if unexistant
Version 1.1.0 - General deployment
Possibily to manage voicemails based on a unique hash instead of only the filename
Version 1.0.0 - General deployment
First release, for net.desktop
Version 0.0.0 -
Deprecated: Significant improvements have been done in a higher version
Module configuration interface
create_resource_form: .:/usr/share/escaux/glue/lib:/usr/share/escaux/glue/bin/gen_wiki_documentation/src/lib:/usr/share/escaux/glue/bin/gen_wiki_documentation/src/lib/
No parameters to configure.
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