Call Recording Support


The goal of this module is to archive and provide access to recorded calls.

The module adds the 'Configuration' - 'Recording Archive' menu in the SOP Shell.

Upon installation, by default:

  • Web access to the archive is allowed through the File manager interface.
  • Recorded calls are kept in these archives during 25 days.

Release notes

Version 1.2.4 - General deployment
  • Bugfix: Automatic archiving not working

Version 1.2.3 - General deployment
  • Bugfix: Empty archive file shouldn't be created (M0002537)
  • Bugfix: Parameters in SOP Shell are now saved and show up when restarting the shell. (M0003862)

Version 1.2.2 - General deployment
  • Bugfix: Added missing /data/recordedcalls folder
  • Bugfix: Parameters in SOP Shell are now saved and show up when restarting the shell (M0003862)

Version 1.2.1 - General deployment
  • Bugfix: Fixed path mess

Version 1.2.0 - General deployment
  • Bugfix: Limit the size of archives to 2 Gb to be able to display them in apache (2904)

Version 1.1.1 - General deployment
  • Bugfix: fixed symlink error on new SOPs

Version 1.1.0 - General deployment
  • Bugfix: On large sets of recorded data, certain recordings were lost during the archiving process

Version 1.0.0 - General deployment

Module configuration interface

create_resource_form: .:/usr/share/escaux/glue/lib:/usr/share/escaux/glue/bin/gen_wiki_documentation/src/lib:/usr/share/escaux/glue/bin/gen_wiki_documentation/src/lib/

No parameters to configure.


Allowing or denying access

For security reasons, access to the recorded calls and the recorded call archives can be revoked.
  • To allow access:
    DONE Navigate to: SOP Shell > Configuration > Recording Archive > Allow web access
  • To deny access:
    DONE Navigate to: SOP Shell > Configuration > Recording Archive > Deny web access

Retention and archiving frequency

The configuration section allows you to specify when all recorded calls will be archived. At the specified time, all the recorded calls of the day are bundled in a tar archive and the daily archives are kept for the number of days specified in the 'Maximum archive age' field.

Archives larger than 2 GB

Archives larger than 2 GB are split in multiple files. They can be recognized by an extension ending in three digits. Example:
  • file.tar.001
  • file.tar.002
  • file.tar.003

To reassemble them in 1 tar file:
  • Microsoft Windows:
    • Start cmd.exe and give the following command: copy /b "file.tar.001"+"file.tar.002"+... file.tar
    • Or, use a compression application such as 7zip to reassemble the files.
  • Linux
    • Start a terminal and give the following command: cat file.tar.001 file.tar.002 > file.tar

Exporting call recording archives to a third party system

The storage capacity of a SOP is limited. Depending on the volume of calls to be recorded, days, weeks or even months of calls can be stored. In some cases, this is not enough:
  • Multiple weeks or months of calls need to be stored and a lot of calls happen simultaneously
  • Integration with a system offering advanced search functionality is required
  • Automatic speech-to-text transcripts have to be generated
  • ...

In these cases, we will archive the calls on the SOP for a brief period of time only and expose them so that the customer can fetch them on a nightly basis and store them on a third party system that he manages. We offer a WebDAV interface for this. It is the responsibility of the customer to execute the synchronization, and to provide a storage location.

Multiple synchronization applications exist for every major operating system. A customer is also free to develop his own WebDav application.

Example scenario: Server with NAS

In this scenario, we are dealing with 4 elements:
  1. The SOP
  2. A customer provided synchronization application that uses the WebDAV interface to fetch the call recording archives.
  3. A customer provided server which will run the synchronization application on a nightly basis
  4. A customer provided NAS with a large storage capacity

Process flow:
  • Once every night, the synchronization application will login to the WebDAV interface
  • The synchronization application will check which files are located on the SOP, which aren't yet located on the NAS
    • If there are none, the synchronization application will stop
    • If there are, it will transfer the files using WebDAV from the SOP to the NAS
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