Call admission control
This module monitors the Voice-over-IP bandwidth and optionally reject calls if the provisioned bandwidth is exceeded.
Release notes
Version 1.1.0 - General deployment
- Improvement: Improved site filters
Version 1.0.0 - General deployment
Module configuration interface
create_resource_form: .:/usr/share/escaux/glue/lib:/usr/share/escaux/glue/bin/gen_wiki_documentation/src/lib:/usr/share/escaux/glue/bin/gen_wiki_documentation/src/lib/
Module configuration parameters
This module assumes all the VoIP traffic goes through the SOP where the module is installed (i.e. re-invite procedure is not supported).
- Maximum VoIP bandwidth (bits/s) : The maximum amount of Voice over IP bandwidth acceptable before taking an action to reject calls.
- Restrict calls : Whether or not to hangup new calls when the maximum VoIP bandwidth is about to be exceeded.
The VoIP traffic is defined as the combination of 2 filters. The site filter and the VoIP filter (see infra):
- VoIP filter (example 'udp') : The VoIP filter indicates the traffic considered as VoIP traffic. This will depend on the QoS rules applied by your provider. Typically 'udp' is a good approximation as VoIP protocols are the essential protocols which use udp and go through the SOP.
- Site filter (example: : The site filter indicates the traffic monitored by the SOP where the module is installed. Typically it is the LAN where the SOP is installed expressed as a network address and mask.
The module generates 2 new attributes of the class 'flow' and attribute 'bandwidth' which can be monitored through the Advanced Historical Reporting:
- VOIP_TX: amount of VoIP bandwidth in bits/s which leaves the site (as indicated by the site filter).
- VOIP_RX: amount of VoIP bandwidth in bits/s which enters the site (as indicated by the site filter).
Sop shell plugins
4 plugin menus are available in the sop shell:
- Start call admission process
- Stop call admission process
- View bandwidth usage log file
- View call admission actions