ListFaxReport (TWF1)


List sent and received faxes by the SOP

Release notes

Version 1.0.0 - Deprecated
  • Feature: Initial release.
  • Deprecated: This version should not be used anymore, task should not generate reports. Please use RWF1 reports instead.

Resource configuration interface

GUI unavailable.

Task configuration parameters provided by SMP 5.3+

Warning: Can't find topic CustomerDocs.GenSmpDocCommonTaskParametersRGb55

Resource configuration parameters

Age - Show information only for the facsimile transmitted in the last specified number of days.

Report structure

The report shows information about received and sent faxes.

The first table shows information about received faxes.

The Sender column shows the caller's Transmitter Subscriber Identification string (as received) for incoming calls. (notice that some callers have not setup a TSI). The Pages column is the total number of pages well received. The time column shows the total amount of time spent receiving facsimile from a sender. The Pg/min column displays the average transfer rate. The Errs column indicates how many protocol errors were encountered while receiving facsimile. The TypRate column displays the most common communication speed at which facsimile were received. The TypData column shows the most common data format in which facsimile data were received.

The second table shows information about sent faxes.

The Pages column is the total number of good pages transmitted. The Calls column is the total number of calls placed. The time column shows the total amount of time spent transmitting. The Pg/min column displays the average transfer rate. The Errs column indicates how many errors were encountered while transmitting facsimile. (Note that this statistic does not include problems encountered while placing a call; e.g. busy signals.) The TypRate column displays the most common communication speed at which facsimile were transmitted. The TypData column shows the most common data format in which facsimile data were transmitted.

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