TaskRunner (TWT2)


This task allows you to run another set of maximum 20 tasks.

Release notes

Version 1.0 - Deprecated
  • Feature: Initial version (M0005515)
  • Deprecated: Resource was rejected by or has not been validated by our quality assurance department. (M5733)

Resource configuration interface

GUI unavailable.

Task configuration parameters provided by SMP 5.3+

Warning: Can't find topic CustomerDocs.GenSmpDocCommonTaskParametersRGb55

Task parameters

  • Tasks : select here preconfigured tasks that are not Taskrunners themselves.
  • Stop on errors: If set to "Yes", the Taskrunner will stop once a task crashes. Note that some task will display an error message but catch the error, in that case the Taskrunner will not stop.
  • Display warnings and non fatal errors in report: If set to "Only task output" the report will contain only what the tasks are printing in their own reports. If set to "Task output, warnings and non fatal errors", the report will also contain all the warning and non fatal errors generated by the tasks.


This task enables an administrator to launch other tasks created on the same SOP. It can NOT launch other Taskrunners tasks.

The tasks are launched sequentially in the order in which they are defined.

This task is usually used to group a defined set of task that must be launched periodically in a certain order.


In order to get the reports emailed to you for the tasks that were run by the Taskrunner, you have to :
  • Schedule the Taskrunner
  • Specify the email address you want the report to be sent to in the Taskrunner

The Taskrunner will then execute periodically the tasks, it will also generate a report which is the aggregation of the executed tasks reports and, finally will send that report to the configured email adress.

If you want to access directly the report on the SMP, you have to start it manually with the play icon. When the task is completed, you can access the report by clicking on "View Report".
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