DialogicDSI (DPD1)


This probe measures the load of the Dialogic DSI stack. We determine the load such that the ratio between the number of allocated messages over the maximum of messages on the stack The analysis is based on the command gctload -t1. There are two thresholds: the warning level and the critical level. They take the value inside the field on the probe. If fields are empty then they take the value of the congestion fields in the Dialgic DSI stack: "Congestion onset" for critical level and "Congestion abate" for warning level. A graph describes the number of messages allocated over the time.

Release notes

Version 1.0.1 - General deployment
  • Bugfix: Can be used in a cluster of SOP (M9647)
  • Dependency:
    • SNMP Agent module v3.5.1+
    • Dialogic DSI support v1.0.0+

Resource configuration interface

GUI unavailable.

Resource parameters

  • load warning level: the minimal percentage of messages allocated to generate a WARNING alarm. The default value is computed based on congestion abate and the maximum of messages in partition (max msg stack). We can display these values with "gctload -t1" and configurable on ss7 config files.
  • load critical level: the minimal percentage of messages allocated to generate a CRITICAL alarm. It's recommended to not set this at all or to set it high enough to avoid false alarms. But because gctload is configured by default over max 5000 messages in partition and most of the time we don't allocate a lot of messages, this load level must be appropriated over the maximum of message that we can allocated on this stack. The default value is computed based on congestion abate and the maximum of messages in partition (max MSG stacks)

Performance graphs

This probe generates a graph with following performance metrics:

  • load (1 minute average): number of messages currently allocated on Dialogic DSI stack


This probe can report following alarm states:

  • WARNING: any of the 1, 5 or 15 minute load averages surpassed the load warning level parameter
  • CRITICAL: any of the 1, 5 or 15 minute load averages surpassed the load critical level parameter

Possible causes

  • A load asked by the provider.
  • SS7 network problem and the stack accumulate messages.

Possible consequences

  • The stack has not a right size
  • When the stack full (stack still grow up), all messages will be drop and the stack is unusable.

Possible actions

  • Investigate who is responsible of this grow up and why.
  • Custom some parameter on SS7 (/etc/ss7dpk/system.txt and /etc/ss7dpkg/config.txt)
  • In the worse case, restart the stack (/etc/init.d/ss7dpk restart)
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