PolycomUpgrade (TWPQ)


Release notes

Version 1.0.0 - Early deployment
  • Feature: Initial version (M18513)
  • Dependency:
    • System Base >= 1.14.0, >= 2.4.0
    • Polycom Phone Support >= 5.7.1

Resource configuration interface

GUI unavailable.

Task configuration parameters provided by SMP 5.3+

Warning: Can't find topic CustomerDocs.GenSmpDocCommonTaskParametersRGb55

Task configuration parameters

  • Local task configuration
    • Frequency: Select the frequency the local task will be run.
      • Disable: Select this value to disable the task
      • Every minute: The local task will be run every minute.
      • Every 5 minutes: The local task will be run every 5 minutes.
      • Every 10 minutes: The local task will be run every 10 minutes.
      • Every 30 minutes: The local task will be run every 30 minutes.
      • Every hour: The local task will be run every hour.
      • Every day at midnight: The local task will be run every day at midnight.
  • Polycom firmware upgrade configuration
    • Upgrade per run: The number of upgrade to perform each time the task is run. By default the value is set to 5.
    • Schedule: The definition of the schedule where the firmware upgrade is allowed. (This will also be used to prevent firmware download via HTTP when a phone is manually rebooted). This configuration must be provided in formatted as an INI file. The format must be provided as in the following example:
      • day can be set to all or start with the 3 first letters of the day such as Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, ...
      • start must be a number representing the hour when firmware upgrade will start to be allowed. Eg. if start is set to 10, we allow firmware upgrade from 10:00
      • end must be a number representing the hour when firmware upgrade will stop to be allowed. Eg. if end is set to 22, we will stop allowing firmware upgrade at 22:59
    • Upgrade to version: This field allow the definition of version to which we want each phone be upgraded to. This field can be used to limit the upgrade to some type of phone 'SDPR, SDPM' to the version defined (Make sure the provided version exists, otherwise the phone will be rebooting each time the local task run.). Keep this field blank to let all phones being upgraded if they are not yet.

Schedule mechanism

  • The schedule will work properly either end > start or end < start.
  • Setting the same value for end and start will allow upgrade for that day
  • Setting both end and start to values out of the range [0-24] will cause the upgrade to be blocked for that day.
  • When day is set to all, the end and start related to will be apply to every day. all can only appears once in the scheduler.
  • If there is no value for a given day, the value taken into account will be the once configured for all.
  • It is possible to set multiple values for a given day, for that purpose to determine the day, only the three first characters are checked. See the example bellow.
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