ReportQueueAgent (RWQ3)


Release notes

Version 1.0.0 - Early deployment
  • Feature: Monitor agent activities (logged in/out) in queue (M19499)
  • Dependency:
    • * SyncCDRDB 3.0.0+

Resource configuration interface

GUI unavailable.

Report configuration parameters provided by SMP 5.3+

Warning: Can't find topic CustomerDocs.GenSmpDocCommonReportParametersRGb55

Resource configuration parameters

ALERT! Don't forget to check if a system task SyncCDRDB (TWC4) is present in order to send CDR data to the SMP.

The time-frame for which to report. Time can be specified like e.g. "2007-03-28 13:00:00". However, it is often more practical to use relative times. Suppose you want every month a report of the last month's calls. Using absolute times, you'd have to change the start and end time each month when you want to retrieve the report.

Relative times can be specified in a specific English-like way. E.g. "last Monday" is a correct relative time specification. The format is known as "strtotime" and is for instance documented here. The strtotime format can be combined with placeholders for the current time (e.g. %m means the current month), see strftime.

To help you write relative times, a dropdown containing some often used values is available. You can use these values as such or adapt them to your needs.

The CDR report can take data from multiple SOP keys at a time. Only SOP keys from the current Cluster can be chosen. By default (if no SOP key is selected) data is taken from the current SOP key.

Note that calls going through multiple SOP's (e.g. setup with gateways) will have a record for each SOP key. The Caller ID and Called number will be similar but might not be the same. You can recognize the same calls by looking to the Time column which should be very close.

Filter on Queue Name

Limit the results depending on a specific queue. Select one of the possibilities from the drop-down. If you need to use the logical OR operator, you can separate two filters or numbers by |.

Filter on Agent Name

Limit the results depending on a specific agent. Select one of the possibilities from the drop-down. If you need to use the logical OR operator, you can separate two filters or numbers by |.

Show data on a daily basis

Summarize the duration of the agent activity (logged in/out) in a specific queue.

Duration unit

Express duration in second or minute.

Report structure

The report shows information about activity of agents in queues (logged in/out).

Agent Agent who logged in to the queue in format SIP/SDO20001
Agent Name Name of the agent in format "name"
Queue Identifier of the queue where the agent is registered
Queue Name Name of the queue
Date Date when the agent logged in to the queue in format "%Y-%m-%d" when the data is shown on a daily basis otherwise "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
Duration Activity duration expressed in minutes or seconds

Event filter state

ACTIVE ADDMEMBER event A member was added to the queue and agent is not paused or agent is not paused only
ANSWER CONNECT event The caller was connected to an agent
NOANSWER RINGNOANSWER After trying for ringtime to connect to the available queue member, the attempt ended without the member picking up the call
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