ReportSDR (RWD1)


Report how long some has been in a certain status, logged in on a phone, etc.

Release notes

Version 1.4 - Deprecated
  • Bugfix: Translate correctly devices to firstname and extension for phone_queue class (M6381)
  • Deprecated: Need a no released smp version
  • Dependency:
    • SyncCDRDB Task version 1.19.1 or higher

Version 1.3.2 - Early deployment
  • Bugfix: filter on instance broken (regression in 1.3.1) (M0)
  • Dependency:
    • SyncCDRDB Task version 1.19.0 or higher

Version 1.3 - Early deployment
  • Improvement: Restrict attribute and class to supported values.
  • Improvement: Add extension owner information (M7008)
  • Bugfix: SMP vulnerability fix (M3537)
  • Dependency:
    • SyncCDRDB Task version 1.19.0 or higher

Version 1.2 - General deployment
  • Improvement: Restrict attribute and class to supported values.

Version 1.1 - General deployment
  • required for SMP >= v1.4
  • include clones in sop list

Version 1.0 - General deployment

Version 0.6 - General deployment
  • Improvement: Minor improvements

Version 0.5 - General deployment
  • Improvement: Minor improvements

Version 0.4 - General deployment
  • Improvement: Minor improvements

Version 0.3 - General deployment
  • Improvement: Minor improvements

Version 0.0 - Deprecated
  • Deprecated: Significant improvements have been done in a higher version

Resource configuration interface

GUI unavailable.

Report configuration parameters provided by SMP 5.3+

Warning: Can't find topic CustomerDocs.GenSmpDocCommonReportParametersRGb55

Resource configuration parameters

Start time, End time

The timeframe for which to report. Time can be specified like e.g. "2007-03-28 13:00:00". However, it is often more practical to use relative times. Suppose you want every month a report of the last month's records. Using absolute times, you'd have to change the start and end time each month when you want to retreive the report.

Relative times can be specified in a specific english-like way. E.g. "last Monday" is a correct relative time specification. The format is known as "strtotime" and is for instance documented here. The strtotime format can be combined with placeholders for the current time (e.g. %m means the current month), see strftime.

To help you write relative times, a dropdown containing some often used values is available. You can use these values as such or adapt them to your needs.


The SDR report is available in two file formats (HTML and CSV). Use HTML for displaying online and CSV to export the data for further processing in a spreadsheet application.


The SDR report can take data from multiple SOPs at a time. Only SOPs from the same network as the current SOP can be chosen. By default (if no SOP is selected) data is taken from the current SOP.

Filter on Class

Limit the results to duration records about the given class. The class is the type of entity for which you want to report on its attribute(s). Suppose that extension 101 is in status Office then the class is 'extension', the instance is '101', the attribute is 'status' and the value is 'Office'.

Filter on Instance(s)

Limit the results to duration records about the given instance. The instance is the identifier of the entity for which you want to report on its attribute(s). Suppose that extension 101 is in status Office then the class is 'extension', the instance is '101', the attribute is 'status' and the value is 'Office'.

You can select multiple instances, in which case all of them will be included in the report.

Filter on Attribute

Limit the results to duration records about the given attribute. The attribute is the name of the property you want to report on. Suppose that extension 101 is in status Office then the class is 'extension', the instance is '101', the attribute is 'status' and the value is 'Office'.

Filter on Value

Limit the results to duration records about the given value. The value is the actual value that the attribute has. Suppose that extension 101 is in status Office then the class is 'extension', the instance is '101', the attribute is 'status' and the value is 'Office'.

You can specify multiple permitted values by seperating them with comma's.

Summarize by...

If no summarize by is selected, every SDR (state duration record) that matches the filters is displayed in the report. There is an SDR for every time interval that an attribute retained the same value.

With summarize by, the time is divided in fixed intervals (e.g. each day). For each interval, the total time that an attribute retained a certain value in that interval is reported.

One column per...

Normally, the time spent in every possible value of every possible instance is reported on a seperate line. Using "one column per value", the time spent in every value is printed in different columns on the same line. Although exactly the same information is shown, it helps to make the report more readable. In the same way "one column per instance" will put the instances in different columns instead of on different lines.


Is not intended for end-users.
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