ReportCDR_Q (RWC2)


Report about calls with queue info

Release notes

Version 1.7.0 - Early deployment
  • Feature: Allow not sending empty reports (PC-574)
  • Dependency:
    • SyncCDRDB 1.19.0 or higher

Version 1.6.0 - Early deployment
  • Improvement: show duration in minutes (M25421)
  • Improvement: GrandTotal added for CDR_Q (M20284)
  • Dependency:
    • SyncCDRDB 1.19.0 or higher

Version 1.5.0 - Early deployment
  • Improvement: Display the original called number. (M20719)
  • Improvement: Implemented additional set of filters. (M21611)
  • Improvement: Allow not operator "!" in filters (M20005)
  • Dependency:
    • SyncCDRDB 1.19.0 or higher

Version 1.4.0 - Early deployment
  • Bugfix: Character encoding issue for html output report (M12622)
  • Bugfix: Fixed missing events when the "last agent device owner" is empty (M20644)
  • Improvement: Added NOMEMBER result in summary/combined report (M20581)
  • Dependency:
    • SyncCDRDB 1.19.0 or higher

Version 1.3.2 - Early deployment
  • Feature: Permit to select the last agent in a drop down list (M5517)
  • Improvement: Make filters with OR operator work on more fields (M6597)
  • Dependency:
    • SyncCDRDB 1.19.0 or higher

Version 1.3.1 - Early deployment
  • Bugfix: drop down for large number of phones which could slow down the page
  • Dependency:
    • SyncCDRDB 1.19.0 or higher

Version 1.3.0 - General deployment
  • Bugfix: SMP vulnerability fix (M3537)
  • Improvement: Allow to show the first name and the last name of the last agent in the report, not just the device id (M7007)
  • Dependency:
    • SyncCDRDB 1.19.0 or higher

Version 1.2.2 - General deployment
  • Bugfix: Compatibility with Baseline 3 based SMP's (M0007108)

Version 1.2.1 - General deployment
  • Improvement: Wide reports are now sent correctly through mail. (M0005390)

Version 1.2 - General deployment
  • Improvement: Allow to choose the decimal mark in the report

Version 1.1 - General deployment
  • Bugfix: allow to select clones (M0004287)

Version 1.0 - General deployment
  • use elementgrid

Version 0.1 - Deprecated
  • Deprecated: Significant improvements have been done in a higher version

Resource configuration interface

GUI unavailable.

Report configuration parameters provided by SMP 5.3+

Warning: Can't find topic CustomerDocs.GenSmpDocCommonReportParametersRGb55

Resource configuration parameters

ALERT! Don't forget to check if a system task SyncCDRDB (TWC4) is present in order to send CDR data to the SMP.

Time Range

The time-frame for which to report. Time can be specified like e.g. "2007-03-28 13:00:00". However, it is often more practical to use relative times. Suppose you want every month a report of the last month's calls. Using absolute times, you'd have to change the start and end time each month when you want to retrieve the report.

Relative times can be specified in a specific English-like way. E.g. "last Monday" is a correct relative time specification. The format is known as "strtotime" and is for instance documented here. The strtotime format can be combined with placeholders for the current time (e.g. %m means the current month), see strftime.

To help you write relative times, a dropdown containing some often used values is available. You can use these values as such or adapt them to your needs.


The CDR report can take data from multiple SOP keys at a time. Only SOP keys from the current Cluster can be chosen. By default (if no SOP key is selected) data is taken from the current SOP key.

Note that calls going through multiple SOP's (e.g. setup with gateways) will have a record for each SOP key. The Caller ID and Called number will be similar but might not be the same. You can recognize the same calls by looking to the Time column which should be very close.


Filter on Caller ID

Limit the results to calls where the caller ID equals to the given one. You can use % to match any number of characters and _ to match exactly one character. E.g. you can give "%John%" to only report on John's calls. You can also give "%John% | %Alice%" to report on both John and Alice's calls.

Filter on Caller Number

Limit the results to calls where the caller number equals to the given one. You can use % to match any number of characters and _ to match exactly one character. You can type by hand or select from the drop-down (for internal extensions). If you need to use the logical OR operator, you can separate two filters or numbers by |.

Filter on Called Number

Limit the results to calls where the called number equals to the given one. You can use % to match any number of characters and _ to match exactly one character. You can type by hand or select from the drop-down (for internal extensions). If you need to use the logical OR operator, you can separate two filters or numbers by |.

Filter on Caller Device

Limit the results to calls where the caller device equals to the given one. You can use % to match any number of characters and _ to match exactly one character. You can type by hand or select from the drop-down. If you need to use the logical OR operator, you can separate two filters or phone names by |.

Filter on Called Device

Limit the results to calls where the called device equals to the given one. Note that depending on the callflow, this doesn't always make sense and isn't always available. You can use % to match any number of characters and _ to match exactly one character. You can type by hand or select from the drop-down. If you need to use the logical OR operator, you can separate two filters or phone names by | .

Filter on Account

Limit the results to calls where the account code of the caller device equals to the given one. You can use % to match any number of characters and _ to match exactly one character. If you need to use the logical OR operator, you can separate two filters by |.

Filter on Site

Limit the results to calls where the site code of the caller device equals to the given one. You can use % to match any number of characters and _ to match exactly one character. If you need to use the logical OR operator, you can separate two filters by |.

Filter on Call Duration

Limit the results to calls where the call, including ring time lasted less than, at most, exactly, at least or more than the amount of seconds specified (using the <, <=, =, >=, > comparison operators respectively). You can use the drop-down to get some examples.

Filter on Conversation Duration

Limit the results to calls where the conversation (call without ring time) lasted less than, at most, exactly, at least or more than the amount of seconds specified (using the <, <=, =, >=, > comparison operators respectively). You can use the drop-down to get some examples.

Filter on Price

Limit the results to calls where the estimated price of the call is less than, at most, exactly, at least or more than the amount specified (using the <, <=, =, >=, > comparison operators respectively). You can use the drop-down to get some examples. The unit is whatever unit is used in the price list.

Filter on Call Result

Limit the results depending on the outcome of the call (BUSY, ANSWERED,...). Select one of the possibilities from the drop-down.

Filter on Queue Result

Limit the results depending on the outcome of the queue (ABANDONED, COMPLETED,...). Select one of the possibilities from the drop-down.

Filter on Last Agent

Limit the results depending on the last agent. You can specify specific agents by using the following format (SIP/SDP80016). You can specify multiple queues by using '|' (SIP/SDP80016 | SIP/SDPA0001) or use the wildcards '_' (1 character) and '%' (any number of characters).

Filter on Last Agent Device

Limit the results depending on the last agent device. The device is the name of the phone or interface the call was received or made on, e.g. "SDG30001". You can use % to match any number of characters and _ to match exactly one character. You can type by hand or select from the drop-down. If you need to use the logical OR operator, you can separate two filters or phone names by | .

Filter on Last Agent Device Owner

Limit the results depending on the last agent device owner. The owner is the name and number of the agent as displayed on the phone. You can use % to match any number of characters and _ to match exactly one character. E.g. you can give "%John%" to only report on John's calls. You can also give "%John% | %Alice%" to report on both John and Alice's calls.

Filter on Queues

Limit the results depending on the queues. You can specify specific queues by using there AQA-resource name (AQA00001). You can specify multiple queues by using '|' (AQA00001 | AQA00002) or use the wildcards '_' (1 character) and '%' (any number of characters).

Filter on Queue Names

Limit the results depending on the queues. You can specify specific queues by using there description name (GeneralQueue1). You can specify multiple queues by using '|' (GeneralQueue1 | GeneralQueue2) or use the wildcards '_' (1 character) and '%' (any number of characters).

Summary Report

If any of the summarize-by columns is selected, a summary report will be generated. Normally, every call in the time range will, unless it is filtered, be shown as one line in the report.

In a summary report, calls having the selected properties in common will be grouped. For each such group, one line will be shown with some aggregate functions (totals, average,...).

E.g. by choosing summarize by day, you'll get the number of calls for each day, the total and average duration of all calls per day and the total price of all calls per day.

You can specify multiple properties to summarize by in which case they all must be the same in order to be grouped together. E.g. choosing by Day and Caller Device will give report showing the number of calls made per day per phone. Clearly, not all combinations would make sense.

Note the difference between e.g. "Hour" and "Hour of day". Hour means one (absolute) hour somewhere in history, e.g. on 2007-07-01 from 8 till 9 AM. "Hour of day" means e.g. every day from 8 till 9 AM.


Results are usually sorted by time. Here you can choose an alternative column and sort order. Note that some columns (totals) are only available when using "summarize by" (see below). Also note that it is currently not possible to sort on more than two columns. If selecting a non-default column to sort also select the same column in "Select columns to show".

Select columns to show

Show only a subset of the columns in the report. Select the desired columns from the multi-select box. If none are selected a default set of columns will be shown.

Specify report format


The report is available in two file formats (HTML and CSV). Use HTML for displaying online and CSV to export the data for further processing in a spreadsheet application.

Decimal mark

Decimal values in the report can be expressed with a dot (3.14) or a comma (3,14).

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