PolycomIP4000 (SDP5)


This resource allows to connect a Polycom IP4000 IP Conference Bridge.

Release notes

Version 3.4.0 - Early deployment
  • Bugfix: Configuration file not generated with Polycom Phone Support module v.4.6 and higher
  • Dependency:
    • Polycom phone support module >= 3.3.0

Version 3.3 - General deployment
  • Improvement: new firmwares v3.1.7 for Polycom IP4000
  • Bugfix: Replaces absolute symbolic links with relative symbolic links, due to an incompatibility with the new TFTP server. (M0003591)
  • Dependency:
    • Polycom phone support module >= 3.3.0

Version 3.2 - General deployment
  • Bugfix: config file not re-generated in case of duplicated MAC address (M0000959)
  • Bugfix: Symlinks not accepted by new TFTP server (M0003591)
  • Dependency:
    • Polycom Phone Support module v3.0+

Version 3.1 - General deployment
  • Improvement: Renamed "Presence" to "BLF". (M0001195)
  • Improvement: Renamed "Extensions to supervise" to "Speeddial". (M0001195)
  • Bugfix: offeringTimeOut and ringBackTimeOut timeout fixed.
  • Bugfix: IP4000 does not support firmware 3.3.0, freeze firmware update to 3.1.1
  • Dependency:
    • Polycom Phone Support module v3.0+

Version 3.0 - General deployment
  • Add XHTML microbrowser support
  • Filter directory on the visibility flag and order the list by last name
  • Unify resource code for all Polycom phones except IP50X and IP30X
  • unexpected pickup fix
  • Per phone reinvite procedure configuration
  • Per phone phone monitoring
  • Per phone codec configuration
  • Per phone, language configuration
  • Per phone, call list configuration

Version 1.00 - General deployment

Version 0.0 - Deprecated

Resource configuration interface

GUI unavailable.

Resource configuration parameters

This resource allows and administrator to configure an IP4000 Polycom IP Phone.

  • BLF: (Busy Lamp Field). If set to 'enabled', the phone will request to be notified of the status (busy, idle, ringing, ...) of each extension in the 'Speeddial' list and render the result on the screen. Please note that if not needed, this should be turned off to remove unnecessary load on the SOP.
  • Speeddial: A list of speeddial buttons (extension which are frequently called). Th e phone will associate the first speed dial to the first available line key (Line 2, Line 3, ...). The remaining contacts will be available through the phone menu:'Features > Speed Dials'. The number of line keys depends of the phone model. For example, the IP330 has 2 line keys (1 available), the IP 501 has 3 line keys (2 available) and a IP 650 with 3 Expansion module has 48 line keys (47 available).
  • Dialplan: Dialplan used to have an automatic number composition when the user dial a number matching the dialplan. A dialplan is defined either by a 'string' or by a list of strings. Each string in the list is an alternative numbering scheme, specified either as a set of digits or timers, or as an expression over which the phone will attempt to find a shortest possible match. Refer to chapter 2.1.5 of RFC3435 for more information
  • Directory:
    • If set to 'from Escaux UCS', the corporate directory will be composed of the list of visible contacts ordered by last name as configured in the SMP.
    • If set to 'Local', the corporate directory will be manageable by the user through the phone. When the phone reboots, the contacts configured by the user will persist in memory.
    • On the SoundPoint IP 330/320 and the SoundStation IP 6000 and 7000, the maximum number of contacts is 99.
  • Application URL:
    • Proxy: Address of the desired HTTP proxy to be used by the Microbrowser. If blank, normal unproxied HTTP is used by the Microbrowser.
      • Possible value:(Null or domain name or IP address in the format
    • Application URL: URL used for Microbrowser home page. If blank, the browser will notify the user that a blank home-page was used.
    • Application URL Status Bar: Flag to determine whether or not to turn off display of status messages.
    • Application URL Timeout (sec): Timeout for the interactive browser. If the interactive browser remains idle for a defined period of time, the phone should return to the idle browser.
    • Idle URL:URL used for Microbrowser idle display home page.
    • Idle URL Refresh (sec): The period in seconds between refreshes of the idle display Microbrowser's content. If set to 0, the idle display Microbrowser is not refreshed.
  • SIP server feature: Note: These technical settings if improperly configured can have impact on the availability of the phone
    • SIP re-invite: allow the voice media to be transfered directly between SIP endpoints through the SIP re-invite procedure. Possible value are:
      • Default: Keep default settings as defined in the Telephony server module (for example Asterisk 1.2.x)
      • Yes: Allow the server to perform the re-invite procedure.
      • No: Do not allow the server to perform the re-invite procedure.
    • Qualify SIP devices registration: In order to monitor the SIP device availability, the Telephony server can send SIP OPTIONS messages (every 60s). If the device does not respond within the defined delay, it will be considered as off-line. Possible values are:
      • Default: Keep the default setting defined in the Telephony server module (for example Asterisk 1.2.x)
      • No: Disable Qualify SIP registration for this device
      • Yes: Enable Qualify SIP registration for this device, with a default timeout value of 2000ms
      • Suggested number: Enable Qualify SIP registration for this device, with the chosen timeout value (expressed in milliseconds).
    • Force specific codec: If this parameter is set to 'Yes', the SIP server will only accept the 3 codecs defined in this resource with the specified preference.
    • First Codec, Second Codec, Third Codec: Ordered list of codec.
  • Advanced Options:
    • Language: Language of the phone telephony user interface. If default is choosen, the user will be able to set his own language through the phone menu.
    • Automatic Off-hook Call Placement: If set to enabled, the phone will automatically compose the Contact to call when the handset is offhook.
    • Calllist-received,*Calllist-placed*,*Calllist-missed*: Enable or Disable, for example for confidentiality reasons, the phone call diaries (Call list).
    • Url-dialing: Controls whether URL/name dialing is available from a line.

Conditional Idle


Conditional Idle is a service that can be polled or pushed to the supported phones to display the status for that particular extension.

It also allows you to display a certain variable under certain conditions. For example: you can use this service, to check if you are in forward mode, and if so, display the forward number.

Polycom Phones

DONE Navigate to:  Resources > IP Phone > Select your Polycom phone > Edit

For Polycom Phones, add the following url to your idle url, and set append extension to true.


Aastra Phones

DONE Navigate to:  Resources > IP Phone > Select your Aastra phone > Edit

For Aastra Phones, add the following url to your idle url, and set append extension to true.


  • Where if contains the parameter to be compared.
  • Where equals contains the value to compare the parameter to.
  • Where thenshow contains the value to display if the compared values are equal.
  • Where withlabel contains the value to prefix the display if the compared values are equal

Queue status

As of Aastra Phone Support 2.0.1 and Polycom Phone Support 4.3.4, we allow to show if the extension is logged into a queue. You can use up to 3 queues. You will need SOP Base 1.4.6 installed.

To set up the queues to monitor you have to set the following parameters in the URL:
  • q1v is the first queue to monitor.
  • q2v is the second queue to monitor.
  • q3v is the third queue to monitor.

If you are not logged into any queue, no indicator will be displayed. Some devices don't have enough space to display the queues if your status and your extension fill up the whole screen. Queue names are fetched from the profile parameters, you cannot set the name directly. You will have to indicate a var number, as explained below.

  • Polycom: polycom/ConditionalIdle.php?if=var_1&equals=abc&thenshow=var_2&q1v=var_6&q3v=var_5&q2v=var_1&ext=101
  • Aastra: aastra/ConditionalIdle.php?if=var_1&equals=abc&thenshow=var_2&q1v=var_6&q3v=var_5&q2v=var_1&ext=101

Acessing Profile Parameters

Possible values for if, thenshow, q1v, q2v and q3v are var_1 to var_42, they match the parameter order defined in your profile

DONE Navigate to: Communication Flow Studio > Profile

Parameter 1 matches var_1
Parameter 2 matches var_2
Parameter 3 matches var_3
Parameter 4 matches var_4
Parameter 5 matches var_5
Parameter 6 matches var_6
Parameter 7 matches var_7
Parameter 8 matches var_8
Parameter 9 matches var_9
Parameter 10 matches var_10
Parameter 11 matches var_11
Parameter 12 matches var_12
Parameter 13 matches var_13
Parameter 14 matches var_14
Parameter 15 matches var_15
Parameter 16 matches var_16
Parameter 17 matches var_17
Parameter 18 matches var_18
Parameter 19 matches var_19
Parameter 20 matches var_20
Parameter 21 matches var_21
Parameter 22 matches var_22
Parameter 23 matches var_23
Parameter 24 matches var_24
Parameter 25 matches var_25
Parameter 26 matches var_26
Parameter 27 matches var_27
Parameter 28 matches var_28
Parameter 29 matches var_29
Parameter 30 matches var_30
Parameter 31 matches var_31
Parameter 32 matches var_32
Parameter 33 matches var_33
Parameter 34 matches var_34
Parameter 35 matches var_35
Parameter 36 matches var_36
Parameter 37 matches var_37
Parameter 38 matches var_38
Parameter 39 matches var_39
Parameter 40 matches var_40
Parameter 41 matches var_41
Parameter 42 matches var_42

This service is supported up to 50 phones.

Copyright © Escaux SA