net.Desktop X100 (WCE1)


Release notes

Version 1.3 - General deployment
  • Feature: make log level configurable in the resource for net.Desktop (M0004405)

Version 1.2 - Deprecated
  • Deprecated: Significant improvements have been done in a higher version

Version 1.1 - General deployment
  • Feature: Minor improvements

Version 1.0 - General deployment
  • Feature: Initial release

Resource configuration interface

GUI unavailable.

Resource configuration parameters

  • Description: it can be useful to insert there the email address of the user account associated to this net.Desktop account
  • Dial Parameters - Prefixes:
    • Pabx: enter the prefix to make a national call (usually 0)
    • International : enter the prefix to make an international call (usually 00)
    • Country code : the country code (32 = Belgium, 33 = France, ...)
    • National: enter the prefix used to dial a number in the same country as you are dialing (e.g. 0 = Belgium, N/A = Luxembourg).

For example, to dial a number in Luxembourg from Belgium we would use 0 00 352 4xxxx. A full international number is the pabx prefix (0) + international prefix (00) + country code (352) + area code + phone number. Dialing the same number from Luxembourg, the number would be 0 4xxxx. Which is composed of the pabx prefix (0) + national prefix (N/A) + area code + phone number.

Note: In order to parse well any phone number write it, always, like this (specially those coming from Outlook data source): "+countrycode areacode phonenumber", special characters are permitted but always add a '+' sign preceding the country code (e.g. +32 2xxxxxxx is the same as +322xxxxxxx and +32 2xxx-xxxx, +352 4xx xx is the same as +3524xx.xx and +352/4xx-xx).

Avoid adding the national prefix in your phone number (e.g. +44(0)20 xxxx xxxx will be wrong parsed, +44 20 xxxx xxxx is correct).

  • UI Parameters:
    • Dial shortcut key : it offers the possibility to configure your preferred letter for the dial shortcut. The default value is q, this means you will need to press to trigger the dial dialog box.
    • Display intentional status : it hides or shows the list of intentional status that can be set in the net.Desktop system tray. The default value is yes.

  • Logging Configuration:
    • This parameter gives the possibility to modify the logging behaviour by overriding the Log4j configuration
    • Log4j configuration example:

log4j.appender.Roller.layout.ConversionPattern=%d %-20.20c %-5p %m [%t]%n


Additional information

  • AppNoteNetDesktop
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