ImportReservedGlobalParameter (TWC2)


This task import reserved global parameters in order to support latest software building blocks

Release notes

Version 1.1 - General deployment
  • Bugfix: Take into account the global parameter field.

Version 1.0 - General deployment
  • Feature: Initial version

Resource configuration interface

GUI unavailable.

Task configuration parameters provided by SMP 5.3+

Warning: Can't find topic CustomerDocs.GenSmpDocCommonTaskParametersRGb55


Global parameters are variables used in the different callflows, there are a few reserved global parameters which are populated by Escaux through new versions of actions or modules. In order to use these reserved global parameters, a synchronization is needed with the Escaux library of reserved global parameters.

This task enables an administrator to synchronize or re-synchronize reserved global parameters with the Escaux library of reserved global parameters.

Example of use

When Escaux makes available new actions, these actions can expose reserved global parameters which can be used in callflows. (For example the MapDDI action exposes the 'ExternalCall' global parameter which is used to know if a call is external or internal in the callflow).

Please refer to the administration guide in order to have more details on the reserved global parameters.

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