HowTo: Toggle a phone v1.1

How to implement ?

Step 1: add a route for prefix *97

DONE Navigate to: CAll Routing > Define Routes

Press 'Add' and fill out the following parameters:

  • Telephony Route: _*97. (this will capture all extensions starting with *97)
  • Route Group: national
  • Action: ExecuteCallflow.1.1
  • Action Parameter 1: leave empty

Press 'Save'

Step 2: send the call to the Toggle callflow

DONE Navigate to: CAll Routing > Define Routes

Press on the Action Name 'ExecuteCallflow.1.1' of route _*97 and fill out the following parameters:

  • Description: Send call to Toggle callflow
  • Front digits to strip: 3
  • Callflow: *215

What does the above do ? Imagine we want to toggle the device behind extension 601 by calling *97601. The above action strips off the *97 prefix and executes *215 on extension 601.

ERROR! Important:
  • Callflow *215 is a pre-defined callflow. If this callflow is not present on your system, please contact the Escaux Support team.
  • ExecuteCallflow action needs the STARTDYNAMICAPPLICATION.4.2 in the assignement of the user's callflows. This will enable the triggering of the callflow specified in ExecuteCallflow instead of the one related to the user's status.
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