WiFi Unidata 7800


To start the phone, press during 3 seconds the "End" key. Same procedure to stop it.

1. Telephony manual

1.1 To make/receive calls

If you want ... Then ... To terminate the current call
To Call Compose the number and push on the "Send" key Push on the "End" key
To redial the last number composed Push on the "Send" Key for 3 seconds Push on the "End" key
To answer Push on the "Send" key Push on the "End" key
To adjust the speaker volume While in a call push on the "Up" and "Down" keys on the multi directional keys of the phone

1.2 Put a call on hold

If you want ... Then ...
To put a call on hold Push on the "Send" key. (A phone icon and a H letter are displayed together on the screen)
To switch between two calls Push on the "Send" key
To accept a second call Push on the "Send" key to put on hold the 1st call and take the second call.
To make a 2nd call Push on the "Send" key, compose the number and push again on the "Send" key.
To take back a call put on hold Push again on the "Send" key.

1.3 Call Transfer

If you want ... Then ...
To transfer a call with consultation (attended transfer) to B Put the current call on hold by pushing the "Send" key, then, compose B's number and push on the "Send" key. When the call is established, push on the "Menu" key, select the "Transfer" key and push on the "Confirm" key (the round key at the center of the multi directional keys). If B refuses to take the call or you cannot join B, press on the "End" key and then on the "Send" key to take back the original person.
To transfer a call without consultation (Blind transfer) Put the current call on hold by pushing on the "Send" key, then compose the number to which you want to transfer, push on the "Menu" key, select the "Transfer" key and push on the "Confirm" key (at the center of the multi directional keys)

1.4 Voice mail and calls history

If you want ... Then ...
To listen your voice mails and access to your voice mail menu Compose the 8500 and push on the "Send" key.
To visualize the call history Push on the the "Send" key in standby mode
To compose a number from the calls history Select the number in the calls list of your choice and push on the "Send" key. Push on the "Confirm" key (at the center of the multi directional keys) to see the details and push on the "Send" key to compose the selected number.
Save a number from the calls history Press send, select the number, push on the "Menu" key and select Save number.
To delete a number from the calls history Press send, select the number, push the the "Delete" key

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