User Guide: Escaux Connect

This User Guide is valid for Escaux Connect 2.4 and 2.5


Copyright © Escaux 2004 - 2023


The information contained in this document should be treated as confidential and should only be shared with Escaux customers. Under no circumstances and under no form should any part of this document be transferred to third parties.

Scope of this Document

The purpose of this document is to provide the end user the first steps in order to use Escaux Connect.


Escaux Connect is a web based application that you can access on the Internet with a usual web browser application, either on your smartphone, tablet or your desktop computer.

Most web browsers are supported but note that some do not permit to use all the features of the application. Recent versions (less than 2 years) of desktop or mobile browsers like Firefox, Google Chrome, Android browser or Safari are recommended. For the full list of supported browsers see the Product Specification

In order to launch Escaux Connect you have to type the URL address provided by your administrator like "" in your browser's address bar.

On this screen you have to type your login and password provided by your administrator.

If you click/tap on "Always stay connected", you will not have to fill in your login and password the next time you'll access the application from that device.

Now click/tap on "Login".

Your browser might then suggest to save your password, even if you checked "Always stay connected". This might be useful as well because in case you log out manually, clear your cookies or do not use Escaux Connect for more than 7 days the "Always stay connected" feature will not help.

You can login on a device while already logged in on another device. Escaux Connect can only be used on one device at the same time but you are not really logged out from the other devices. You can easily switch between devices by simply clicking/pushing the "Re-take control" button, or opening again the application if you closed the window.

Main view

When logged in you'll get the home screen of the application. Note that available features will depend on the implementation.

Additional help

In order to get additional help with more information on your specific implementation, an integrated help is available right inside the application. Therefore click/tap on the top-right button. This will open a left menu. Choose the "Help" entry. You can already see that the logout button is also available in this menu.
Copyright © Escaux SA